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Math at Oak Ridge


Oak Ridge follows the Common Core Mathematical Standards as the framework for our curriculum. The Common Core standards place a greater emphasis on the ability of students to deeply understand mathematical practices and the ability to apply those practices in everyday problem solving. At the base of the common core, are the 8 standards for mathematical practice. It is our belief that if our students can master these practices, they will be successful in all mathematical tasks.


To apply the common core standards, Oak Ridge has adopted the Oakland County MAISA units. The MAISA CCSS Mathematics Curriculum Materials are designed to support districts as they work to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. They are not the actual lessons but serve as a framework for all schools to instruct to the common core state standards. To learn more about the MAISA units please click here.


The MAISA units provide a framework for the common core standards but there is a still a need for curriculum materials within that framework. To meet this need, Royal Oak Schools has incorporated the Math Expressions program. Math Expressions combines elements of standards-based instruction with the best traditional approaches. Through drawings, conceptual language, and real-world examples, it helps students make sense of mathematics. See more at:



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